British Library Visit
Fifteen of our Year 11 students joined students from Corby Business Academy on a visit to the British Library this Monday, 8th February and their digital research skills were tested.
The educational visit to the library in London was offered to selected students as part of the countywide Race To The Top programme.
The visit provided more than 30 students from the two Trust schools with the opportunity to have a tour of the library and to look at ways to better their digital research skills as well as question the sources used for their research.
English teacher and one of the KSA teachers for the RTTT programme, Miss Rachael Davies said: “The benefits of the trip were to improve the students’ digital research skills and ability to question sources. They were given a tour round the library and saw lots of different original manuscripts. They considered how the development of communications has developed over time and the effect it has on our modern society.”
Miss Davies added: “They were also asked to use research to then produce a presentation on what they had learnt but they were prevented from using powerpoint – they were asked to use one of the programmes they were less familiar with.”