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Science Museum & The Houses Of Parliament Experience

Our students visited the Science Museum and the Houses of Parliament, all in the one day trip to London.

Our students visited the Science Museum and the Houses of Parliament, all in the one day trip to London.
The KSA Trip to the museum and Westminster on Tuesday 28th June was organised as part of the Race To The Top programme.
The students spent the morning looking around the exhibits at the science museum and had the opportunity to partake in a number of hands on activities.
After lunch the students headed to the Palace of Westminster and witnessed the House of Lords in session, debating and voting.
Modern foreign language teacher at KSA and RTTT teacher, Mrs Anne Reeve-Mavrommatis said: “Students at the museum had the opportunity to partake in activities, saw rockets, space suits and early examples of aviation technology.  Following luch we visited the House of Parliament we had a debating session ourselves in the parliamentary style of debating and not addressing each other with 'you' but as Honourable Gentleman/Lady/friend. Again, KSA student showed great interest and enthusiasm, debating about issues around funding for the NHS versus Footballers' contribution to society and equitable pay.”