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Attendance and Punctuality


Being the best you can be.

It is vital we work to teach our students the value of attending the Academy at 8.45am each day. We do understand that on some occasions children may be ill and unable to attend. 

Please make sure you report the absence via the Edulink App.

Why is attendance so important?

  • 1 day off per month = 2 weeks off per year

KSA is a great place to be, and all students must attend every day. Simply put – students with high levels of attendance make better progress, achieve higher grades and give themselves the very best chance in life.  

There are 175 non-school days per year for holidays, shopping and appointments. There is no need, except in extreme circumstances, to miss a day’s education. One session missed in a week is only 90% attendance. This may look impressive, but it means 19 days of education in a year are lost, with a risk of dropping one grade at Alevel.

We take absence very seriously. We target intervention with students whose attendance falls below the Sixth form target of 96%. Parents/carers have a legal duty to ensure that their child receives an education suitable to the child’s age, ability and aptitude and any special needs. The only reasons for absence should be through illness or an exceptional circumstance. Every absence must be explained by the parent/carer. No more than three consecutive days of absence will be authorised without supporting medical evidence.

The only reasons for absence should be through illness or an exceptional circumstance.

  • Unavoidable medical or dental appointments; students should return to school after the appointment (evidence may be required). Where possible, appointments should be arranged out of school hours.
  • Days of religious observance
  • Exceptional family circumstances, such as bereavement
  • Interview with a prospective employer or college/Academy (evidence may be required).

If your child is having difficulties attending school, you should contact the school sooner rather than later, as most issues can be dealt with very quickly.

Parents/Carers Responsibilities

Make sure your child arrives at school on time by 8.45am. This is for registration and form time with their tutors. Lessons start promptly, at 9.00am.

If your child arrives after the register has closed, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for that session unless evidence is supplied that the lateness was due to a medical appointment.

Persistent lateness is monitored and affects the overall attendance figure for each student. Consequences are the same for those students with low attendance.

Reporting Absence

Parents or carers should contact on each day of their child's absence before 8.30am. To report an absence, please use the Edulink App or email

Absences of 3 or more days may require a home visit to conduct a welfare check. Medical evidence will be needed to authorise absences longer than 3 days.


Make sure your child arrives at school on time by 8.45am at the latest for registration.  Lessons start promptly, at 9.00am. Any student who arrives after 8.45am is late.

Persistent lateness is monitored and affects the overall attendance figure for each student.

Monitoring Absence

Student attendance is monitored on a daily and weekly basis. If your child's attendance falls below 96% then you will receive a text message, if this absence continues, we will send a formal letter and hold a formal meeting with the student, They will be put on an attendance report. If your child still continues to have multiple absences then a parent's meeting will be called, and we will discuss if your child can continue with Sixth form at KSA.

If your child’s attendance remains unsatisfactory despite support from Sixth form staff, your child will be asked to leave Sixth Form.