A high-quality business education equips pupils to fully appreciate the need for businesses in society. Business has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and the course explains how Britain’s GDP is dependent on successful businesses. The core concepts that this course looks at are:
- The different types of businesses in the UK, Europe and the World
- The different types of ownership models
- The aims and objectives that businesses set themselves
- The need for marketing and the different methods that are used today
- The use of data to inform business decisions.
- can understand why people set up businesses
- can identify different modes of ownership
- can analyse a business case study and evaluate the effectiveness of a business
- are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
Students can opt for GCSE business at key stage 4. Some students will have taken part in Dragons' Den challenges or enterprise activities.
In year 1 students look at the fundamentals of business its purposes, the different types of businesses through to marketing a product and the different methods associated with marketing.
A range of case studies are used to investigate how modern businesses function in the 21st century. From large multi-national companies to local sole traders the course introduces students to the key concepts of business.
The course is supported by a range of resources including the course text book, office365 and independent task sheets.
Students study how employment law works and typical roles and responsibilities in the workplace. There is also an emphasis on how information technology is transforming the workplace and the skills that students should think about to be employable in the future.
The study of business, particularly beyond GCSE, allows access into a great range of careers across many industries. These include but are not exclusively limited to:
- accountancy
- banking
- insurance underwriter
- management consultant
- operational researcher
- human resources
- logistics and distribution
- marketing
- retail
- sales
The course explains to students the various possible career pathways that are available to them.