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Expressive Arts

The M.A.D Awards 2014

The M.A.D Awards for 2014 were announced at the end of last term.
It was the first year for the M.A.D awards, recognising  and celebrating the achievements of students in Music, Art and Drama.
Head of Drama, Miss Julia Mallard said: “We have devised the M.A.D Awards (Music, Art and Drama Awards), celebrating the successes of students over the course of the academic year.”
The subject teachers for Years 7 & 8 together nominated students for awards within their subject areas.
Awards presented included the ‘I am a Singer’, ‘Most Improved Actor’ and the ‘Outstanding Effort and Application of Colour Techniques’ award.

Winners for the M.A.Ds 2014 were:
In Music: Year 7 Hannah Godson, Katie-Jane Chapman, Megan Ross, Daniel Waterfield, Monika Kwak, Jessica Storey, Dane Carr, Bernard Dec, Illaria Bradbury and Katie Parker. Year 8 Olivia Seymour, George Blatherwick, Chloe Whysall, Danny Succo, Morgan McGrady, Thomas Larmour, Josh Birk, Ezri Mannion, Josh Crieghton and Chloe Roberts.

In Art: Year 7 Owen Wilson, Neve Sammels, Dylan Jones and Katarzyna Koltuniuk.
Year 8 Amarjot Hayer, Cameron Williams, Ishan Tailor, Mykala Durkan, Edward ‘Ned’ Wilson, Owen Meagan and Sam Houghton.

In Drama: Year 7 Vipul Bhadresa, Katie-Jane Chapman, Owen Wilson, Charlie Noble, Manuela Entiriwaa, Carter Greetham, Alice-Hope Clarke, Thomas Woodley, Isobel Glave and Taylor Weatherly.
Year 8 Dominic Crawford, Shona Doran, Robert Wilks, Olivia Seymour, Ben Richards, Oliver Hill, Ellie-Mae Wardle, Jake Williams, Chloe Roberts and Josh Creighton.
Miss Mallard added: “This event, although starting small this year, is something we hope will really boost moral and aspirations for the students across all of the creative and performing arts. Next year we hope to share this event across the school and with parents and guardians.”