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Global learning

Each week, we hold a 1-hour session for all our year 12 and year 13 students delivering life skills that will develop them for life outside of school and after post16. We want our students to leave us well-rounded, mature, decent members of society and teaching them the needed skills to do this is extremely important to us. We invite many different speakers from many different sectors to provide sessions, activities and advice to our students, who benefit immensely from these. 

So far this academic year, We have welcomed..

Coventry University

Northumbria University 

De Montford University

Northampton University - EPQ support programme 


Aspire Higher - Dale Willis and David Hyner 

Northamptonshire Fire Service - safe driving workshop

We look Forward to welcoming later in the year.....

Schools Consent Project 

Mayor of Kettering - Emily Fedorowycz

Red Cross - First Aid

Northamptonshire County Council - Safer Communities Team

If you have any particular skills that you think may be relevant to our Students then please get in touch, We look forward to hearing from you!