Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Statement
Background to the Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is a government grant which is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils on roll who are either: Looked After Children, Children of Service Personnel, children who are registered for Free School Meals or who have been in the last 6 years. The grant was introduced in 2011 and the amount allocated per student has risen each academic year; in the 2015-16 financial year schools will receive £1320 for each primary-aged pupil who is eligible. The purpose of the Pupil Premium grant is to support schools in ensuring that children who may be disadvantaged achieve and attain in line with their peers.
Our Rationale
As part of the Brooke Weston Trust, Kettering Science Academy acknowledges the responsibility for ‘socially disadvantaged’ pupils and we are committed to meeting the pastoral, social and academic needs within the school’s learning environment. We are committed to ‘Closing the Attainment Gap’ between ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘non-disadvantaged’ pupils and ensuring all pupils make at least expected progress. The Pupil Premium forms a vital part of that process.
At Kettering Science Academy we will use the Pupil Premium to ensure that:
- Teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils;
- Appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, including ensuring the needs of socially disadvantaged children are adequately assessed and addressed;
- A ‘needs analysis’ is carried out to identify priority pupils or pupil groups;
- Funding is used effectively to support pupils and pupil groups where the need is greatest
Provision is made through:
Enabling pupils’ access to education
Enabling access to the curriculum
Provision of alternative support and intervention within the Academy environment
The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will support us in achieving our vision. All our work through the Pupil Premium is aimed at accelerating progress and moving children to at least age-related expectations, or to make two sub-levels of progress each year in all curriculum subjects
Primary Phase Analysis and Challenge Overview - 2015-16
SATS Results from Kettering Science Academy Primary Phase 2015
Please click here to view results table for 2015