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SEND & Inclusion

Being the best you can be.

Kettering Science Academy is an inclusive, mainstream secondary school and we value all learners irrespective of their ability and additional needs. We recognise that every student has different needs and from the personalised curriculum to the support from learning mentors. Our aim is create an environment where every student can succeed and make the most of their time at KSA.

Students with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported within the Academy with staff encouraging them become independent learners. Students' progress is monitored carefully. The inclusion department provides specialist tuition for students with additional educational needs through individual and small group programmes of study. It works in ways that are matched to the student’s particular needs providing, for example, literacy support and/or social, emotional and behaviour interventions. Partnership with students, their parents and other outside agencies ensures that students make good progress.

SEND students are supported within classrooms by our wonderful team of Teaching Assistants. The main aim of Teaching Assistant support in class is to equip students with the skills to become independent learners in the future. Teaching assistants play a key role in supporting the teacher to ensure that the pupils get the maximum benefit from the learning activities that the teacher plans and carries out for them.

The varied teams that make up the school are committed to providing the best possible care and support to all students, especially those students who are faced with difficulties and challenges that present barriers to their learning. These teams are keen to strengthen the partnerships between student, parents, Academy and other agencies to ensure that students receive the best possible support.

The Inclusion Team 
Mrs Nicola Redmayne - Addison Assistant Principal & SENDCo
Miss Kimberly Briggs



Mrs Gayle Hazlewood

HLTA - Sensory and Physical


Mrs Sithabile Sithole


HLTA - Social, Emotional Mental Health

Mrs Hayley Cross


HLTA – Communication and Interaction

Miss Rhianna Hazlewood

HLTA – Cognition and Learning
Mrs Shelley Featon

SEND Administrator


Mrs Annie Head

School Counsellor


Claire Siddall

Literacy Teacher


Karen Docherty


Literacy Intervention Teacher
Sara Stefaniakstyczy HLTA - EAL 
Dorottya Ori HLTA - Medical 
The Inclusion Area

We have a range of rooms that are used to support our students with additional needs.

The Hub, in the Communications wing,  is our main SEN base. It is a suite of one main room and three breakout rooms and  is used in a variety of ways for interventions, 1:1 support and teaching and Time Out, as well as a safe space for students. Mrs Hazlewood, our HLTA, is based here and ensures the room runs smoothly and meets the needs of the students who use it. The rooms are well equipped with computers and other resources our students need.

The Wellbeing Room is a quiet space where 1:1 interventions, including Counselling, takes place. It is mainly used by Mrs Head, our School Counsellor.

The Medical Room is used by students with additional medical needs. It is run by Miss Ori, our medical HLTA

The Safeguarding Office is based upstairs in the communications wing and the Safeguarding Team are based here. Find out more about the Safeguarding Team here

Mrs Alex Merry is our safeguarding lead.

Mrs Liz Weller is our Safeguarding Officer and her role is an academy wide role. Mrs Weller has responsibility for all safeguarding matters. Further information on Safeguarding can be found here.



  •  Every child should be able to access a good quality education tailored to their needs, with access to quality first teaching, an accessible curriculum and an inclusive environment. 
  • Every child deserves to succeed at school.
  • Every child, whatever their needs or disadvantages, should be educated to the highest standard, enjoy their time in school, feel safe, achieve their full potential and begin to be shaped into adults who will contribute to society and lead full and independent lives. 
  • At Kettering Science Academy 'every teacher is a teacher of SEND'.
  • At KSA our motto is to ‘be the best you can be’. Our SEND students are supported to fulfil their potential and encouraged to strive for success.

Knowledge Strength Ambition for SEN

Policies and SEN Information Report

Our SEN information report (Clause 65) can be found here

Our Special Education Needs Policy can be found on the Brooke Weston Trust Policies page here.

Information about Northamptonshire County Council’s Local Offer can be found here. 

A leaflet with information about the Local Offer can be found here.

Our Accessibility Plan can be found here