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If you require a school bus for your child, please apply online at clicking on schools & education and following the instructions shown on the screen.

Students living in villages further afield, including Burton Latimer, Desborough and Rothwell, who obtain a place at Kettering Science Academy will need to make their own transport arrangement either by public transport or parental drop off.  In order to ease congestion at peak times, we encourage car sharing if parental drop off is your method of travel.

Under some circumstances, Northamptonshire County Council, may provide a bus pass for students living in these villages, depending on individual circumstances. Applications should be made online at clicking on schools & education and following the instructions shown on the screen.

Contact the Local Authority School Travel team

Contact our School Travel team by phoning 0300 126 3000 (options 5,4,1) or by emailing us:



The charge for discretionary transport, for those children who are not entitled to free travel assistance from North Northamptonshire Council, is currently £760 (for the academic year that started in September 2024).

After our normal annual review we have decided to keep the increase for the next academic year inline with CPI and therefore, the cost will be rising to £795 from September 2025.

Where a household has more than one child travelling to the same school, the first child will be charged at the new cost of £795 and any other children will be charged at a cost of £397.50 per child i.e. a 50% discount per child.

Discounts for Post 16 applications may also be available for those on certain benefits.

More information about Home to School Transport can be found here: Home to School Travel Assistance. Our web pages and fee book have been updated accordingly.