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Year 11 Information

Welcome to the information page for Year 11 students and parents.

We hope the information below will help you and your child in this most important year.

Year 11 Team

Role Name Email
Designated Safeguarding Lead / Mental Health Lead Alex Merry
Head of Year 

Rhoda Campbell
Assistant Head of Year Tilly Finch
School Counsellor Martha Winterflood
SLT Links Stephen Reid & Rhiannon Gant


Year 11 Form Tutors





6th October

Year 11 Information Evening (for parents/carers and students)

19th October

Tresham College (Kettering) Open Evening

October (various dates)

Subject assessments/tests                        (in class)

7th November 2022

First progress report (PC1)

10th  November 2022

Year 11 parents evening

15th November 2022

KSA 6th Form Open Evening

21st Nov-3rd  Dec 2022

Formal practice examinations     (exam hall)

25th Nov 2022

Enterprise exam (external REAL exam)

5th -14th  December 2022

Practice speaking exams (French and German)

9th  January 2023

Second progress report (PC2)

9th & 10th January 2023

Sports Studies/Sports Science (external REAL exam)

12th January 2023

Construction (external REAL exam)

Music (External REAL exam)

30th January 2023

Health and Social Care (external REAL exam)

20th Feb-3rd March 2023

Formal practice examinations (exam hall)

27th March 2023

Third progress report (PC3)

27th March to 21st April 2023

Fine Art, Graphics, Photography & Textiles exams

27th March to 21st April 2023

Language speaking exams

15th May- 30th June 

Formal final examinations 

7th July 2023

Year 11 Prom

24th August 2023

GCSE Results Day 


 The Year 11 Parent/Carer Info Evening is on Thursday 6th October 6-7pm at KSA. We are looking forward to seeing you there. Our students are very welcome to attend with you. (Please arrive in good time for a prompt start.)

At this evening parents will hear from us on how parents/carers can support our Year 11s over the eight months leading up to GCSEs including how to support revision at home.  Support at home has a massive impact on doing well in school.  I will also outline key events for the rest of Year 11.

Heads of Department for English, maths and science will give you the key information about their subjects including information on the November exams and what students should focus on.

We'll also hear from Mrs Allan as Head of Year on pastoral matters and Mrs Nicola Redmayne-Addison (SENCO) on wellbeing as we know Year 11 can be stressful for some students.

We have loved working with the Year 11s to date and are regularly impressed with what we see.  Parental support is key in our students doing as well as they can and we know parents often want some advice on how to support.

Many thanks

Mr Reid and Mrs Allan

After the event we will put any handouts on here as a PDF.

Will be published soon. 

Students will be invited to attend revision sessions pre all exam series. Knowledge organisers are available to support revision and can be found by click on the subject knowledge organiser tab on the right of this page, where you will be given a list of subjects to access.

The parent information pamphlets below have been published by PiXL (an organisation which aims to raise achievement and aspirations).  The pamphlets contain useful information about learning techniques, keeping healthy and how parents can help.

Click on the title to download the pamphlet.



Building resilience

Encouraging independence

Handling exam pressure

Getting your child into good habits

Hobbies and opportunities

Encourage productive learning

Develop reading and vocabulary

Support re-visiting learning

Mental health

Positive relations


Screen time

Self-care for teenagers


Social media

Interleaving technique to help revision