World Book Day Competitions
At the Secondary Phase of Kettering Science Academy students and staff members enjoyed a day of book related activities on World Book Day and students have until the end of term to submit entries into two library competitions.
At the Secondary Phase at Kettering Science Academy students and staff members enjoyed a day of book related activities on World Book Day and students have until the end of term to submit entries into two library competitions.
On World Book Day staff members helped to create a fun atmosphere at the Academy by dressing up as familiar book characters and all day staff were reading extracts of short stories to students in Years 7,8 and 9, as well as testing them with book themed quizzes in CAPS time.
The library is still offering the opportunity for students to enter into the book related fun with two competitions being run, ‘Design a Book Token’ and the inter-form/year ‘Create a Book Trailer’Head Librarian at Kettering Science, Heidi Economou said: “A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who helped make World Book Day so amazing. The quiz, and story seem to have been well received, with students and staff commenting positively.
“It was wonderful to see everyone’s costumes and feedback from the students was extremely positive.
"Templates for the national ‘Design a Book Token’ competition are available from the library. We will send the entries off at the end of term."
"We have also have had a good number of entries for the book trailer competition so far. These will be judged at the end of term.”
For more information on the competitions visit the secondary phase library.
Click here for the guide for the book trailer competition: ‘Create a Book Trailer’
For more photographs of staff dressed up visit the Latest Photos page.